363 days later
November 28, 2009 by David

Nearly a year to the day later, Autumn hits Jindai Gardens in Tokyo again. Last year’s trees revisited.

Tokyo Autumn ColorsTokyo Autumn ColorsAll Good Things...Tokyo Autumn ColorsTokyo Autumn Colors


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A Saturday walk in Western Tokyo
November 21, 2009 by David

Walking through Jindaiji temple area with Chiharu. One ice cream cone and one dongo is all it took for her to let me shoot today!

Autum BeginsRedAutmumnWashDropsJindaiji Shrine


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Tokyo Day Trip: Ueno Zoo & Imperial Palace
September 13, 2009 by David

A day walking around Ueno Zoo and the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Great weather and great sushi!

Ueno Zoo CosmosImperial Palace GreenImperial Palace SwansCute little bugger


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The Longest Sunday…
September 7, 2009 by David

A long day shooting from 1:00 am around Mt. Fuji and Chofu!

ParkFuji at DawnFull MoonFuji DawnEgretSplish Splash


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Three nearby parks
August 22, 2009 by David

Our planned Saturday trip to Mitake-san mountain did not work out due to a 30km traffic jam. So we visited a couple parks in the neignborhood… sometimes the best photos can be found in your backyard.

A match made in heavenButterfly Heaven Jindai DoveJindai BirdHot


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